Saturday, October 21, 2017

Plant-Based Supplements: The New Frontier of Supplements

Originally shared by Before It's News

Plant-Based Supplements: The New Frontier of Supplements

Not all vitamins and minerals are created equal, and your body can tell the difference between synthetic and plant-based supplements. If you have ever taken a cheap, synthetic vitamin or mineral and failed to notice a change in how you look or feel, there is a reason. Artificial vitamins often pass through your body without being absorbed. Just like when selecting food to eat, taking the time to study the labels and ingredients can make the difference between achieving the health you want or wasting your time and money.

A lot of the same rules you probably already use for choosing food also apply to choosing the right supplements. Study the nutrition facts label and look for ingredients that are plant-based, organic, and come from whole-food sources. Likewise, steer clear of synthetic chemicals or other artificial ingredients, sweeteners, and fillers.

What Are Plant-Based Supplements?

Plant-based supplements are made from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices, bark, flowers, leaves, and other botanical ingredients. The exact source depends on which vitamin or mineral is needed. Typically, the process starts with a plant that is already naturally high in the desired nutrient. From there, supplement manufacturers use a variety of methods to extract the desired nutrient and create a plant-based supplement that can provide the full Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.


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