Thursday, September 17, 2015

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2011. Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare (MN) surgeons perform multiple surgeries on a boy from Texas. When the surgeries become exposed as unnecessary by Social Services in TX, the surgeons  accuse the boy's mother of “duping” them into performing multiple operations on the boy’s brain, spine, and esophagus. The mother is indicted on medical abuse charges. The surgeons continue to practice.
2013. Another out-of-state child gets dangerously close to becoming a victim of unnecessary brain and spine surgeries at Gillette.  Multiple top-rated pediatric neurosurgeons identify the Gillette's neurosurgeon plan  as “unnecessary and dangerous” . They alert the mother that the child does not have the condition that the Gillette's neurosurgeon plans to "treat" with multiple surgeries. The Gillette’s neurosurgeon admits that he has been lying about the diagnosis and says he is sorry , then lies again in his clinical notes, accusing the mother of non-adherence to his "medical treatment plan" . The mother responds with a letter detailing the neurosurgeon's actions and requests that it is entered in the child's electronic chart at Gillette, along with the outside opinions on the case. The father alerts the Gillette's administration.  
Gillette's administration promotes the neurosurgeon.

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