Friday, July 31, 2015

Unfortunately, America has a long history of suppressing actual cures and ruining the practices of doctors who...

Originally shared by Unwitting Experimentee

Unfortunately, America has a long history of suppressing actual cures and ruining the practices of doctors who discovered them.  Recently, there has been an uptick in the number of alternative practitioners who have died under extremely suspicious and mysterious circumstances.

To be outspoken against the medical mafia is deadly.  Here in America, if you believe in personal responsibility and prevention vs. the medical mafia approach of drugs, slash and burn, you are secretly viewed as anti-establishment and against "the system".  But "the system" is a moral, spiritual, emotional and physical death trap that wants to make you a dumbed-down cyborg and suck the life (and your money) right out of you.

Do you see how everything is upside down and backwards?
If you don't serve "the system" it actively targets you for elimination. 
If you lead others into not serving "the system", you might find yourself on the fast track elimination plan.

I'm telling you, to be good these days is deadly and that's all the disincentive that the average person needs to justify their chosen immoral proclivities.  And then there are those of us who will stand and take the proverbial bullet rather than be part of the New World Order.

#AMA #medicalmafia #holisticmedicine #osteopathicmedicine #BigPharma #allopathicmedicine #suicideddoctors

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